Lightenment Mindfulness w/ Andrea
with Andrea


March 21 (Saturday)
at 5:00 pm (GMT-04:00)

Class length
45 minutes


Lightenment Mindfulness
Saturdays – 5-5:45  p.m.
Register online to live stream or receive a recording for later use.
            This is a 45-minute mini-workshop. To start, you will have a chance, if you choose, to share a mindfulness moment of your day. We all have them. Andrea explains how to recognize them.
            Andrea then guides you though a fifteen-minute mindfulness relaxation and focus exercise. Following that practice, you can share your experience or ask questions. Each group member benefits from the other’s experience.

Andrea’s Mindfulness Background
            Andrea feels that she was mindful as a child, feeling moments of intense clarity and bliss while in nature, while being with animals, domestic and wild, or while experiencing music or other art, and during various sacred moments.


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