Hot Yoga Burlington VT

Hot Barre
with Hermine

November 30 (Wednesday)
at 6:15 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Studio B

Barre class is a workout technique inspired by elements of ballet, yoga, and Pilates. It is at once fun, elegant, and physical.

Don't be intimidated, barre is very beginner-friendly and adaptable to different skill sets and ability levels.  Since its low impact, it's great for all ages and abilities, male or female

Barre focuses on cardio, strength training, and stretching with low-impact, high-intensity movements designed to strengthen your body in ways that few other workouts can.

In addition to building strength, this full-body workout also develops agility and flexibility.  It also boosts endurance, improves balance, increases range of motion, and promotes better posture.  And it can support weight management, too

So, if you want to gain strength, shape up and become more flexible, or just break up the monotony of the same ole thing, try a barre session!


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